With personalised coaching, goal setting, goal specific training, nutritional advice, and loads of support, what could you achieve?

All Packages Include

Personalised Coaching

Goal Setting

Goal Specific Training

Nutritional Advice

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I have been with Rob for over two years and what a journey. When I first started I hated the gym and I didn’t have much confidence in myself, my eaten habits where a lot to be desired, eating rubbish . Now i work out what I’m going to eat for all my meals and I enjoy my session’s with Rob , an added bonus is that I’m down two dress sizes . He is not just a personal trainer but the full package he has made me more confident and I eat a lot healthy than I did , I still enjoy the odd G&T . Thanks Rob :)


I’ve been training with Rob for almost 2 years first starting at the gym but now in comfort of my flat. I’m not a person who enjoys the gym which is why I made the decision to start having a personal trainer, having completed a few classes with Rob at the gym I knew he was the best fit for me. I’ve had other PT trainers in the past but Rob is by far the best. His training sessions have been invaluable to me especially with some of the health issues I’ve have had to deal with. Not only are the training sessions built just for you which is wonderful but his knowledge of nutrition is great. Each session we start with a quick break down of how the pass week has gone while doing a warm up which I love, this then follows by a very intense workout session, we then have a few minutes at the end to talk about plans for week/month head. Without Robs support these pass 2 years I’m not sure where I would be, so I can’t thank Rob enough.


I’ve been training with Rob for about three years and it goes beyond training. Rob not only trains me, he motivates me way beyond my own goals. He is a total professional in his understanding of the right exercises, nutrition and mind set that has given me a positive and committed focus for my total well-being. I cannot recommend Rob highly enough.